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ConnectWise Manage

ConnectWise Manage

Professional Service Automation (PSA) Software to Run Your MSP Business
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Streamline your operations with a proven PSA solution

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Visit ConnectWise Manage's features page

Capabilities and features of ConnectWise Manage

Our software experts have identified these features of the system:

Advertised feature

Manage contacts

Advertised feature
Contact database πŸ›ˆ
Database of contacts
Advertised feature
Contact categories πŸ›ˆ
Categorisation of contacts
Advertised feature

Manage relationships

Advertised feature
Record of interactions πŸ›ˆ
Log calls, meetings, and other interactions with contacts
Advertised feature

Manage sales

Advertised feature
Sales probability weighting πŸ›ˆ
Confidence weighting
Advertised feature
Sales renewal reminders πŸ›ˆ
Renewal reminders
Advertised feature

Manage projects

Advertised feature
Project Gantt charts πŸ›ˆ
Gantt chart showing tasks within a project
Advertised feature
Project budgets πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Project labour costs πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Project expenses πŸ›ˆ
Track employee expenses against projects
Advertised feature
Project material costs πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Project change management πŸ›ˆ
Track changes to project scope and budgets
Advertised feature
Project risks and issues πŸ›ˆ
A project-level risk log
Advertised feature

Manage project portfolios

Advertised feature
Project templates πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Manage tasks

Advertised feature
Task time estimates πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Task duration πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Task dependencies πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Task checklists πŸ›ˆ
Checklist of activities within each task
Advertised feature

Schedule workers

Advertised feature
Schedule worker by calendar πŸ›ˆ
Resource calendar views
Advertised feature
Worker skills πŸ›ˆ
Resource by skills
Advertised feature
Worker availability πŸ›ˆ
Resource availability
Advertised feature
Worker utilisation πŸ›ˆ
Resource utilisation
Advertised feature

Track employee time

Advertised feature
Timesheets πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Timesheet approval πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Timer πŸ›ˆ
Start and stop a timer to track work time
Advertised feature
Track time against tasks πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Manage time off

Advertised feature
Time off calendar πŸ›ˆ
Time off requests πŸ›ˆ
Time off approvals πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Calculate amounts to bill customers

Advertised feature
Bill for time πŸ›ˆ
Bill for time spent
Advertised feature
Bill for fixed fees πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Bill by stage πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Edit billable time πŸ›ˆ
Separate time worked on the job from time billed for the job
Advertised feature
Multi-currency billing πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Invoice customers

Advertised feature
Bulk invoicing πŸ›ˆ
Create batches of invoices
Advertised feature
Recurring invoices πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Multi-currency invoices πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Calculate accounting revenue

Advertised feature
Revenue by completion rate πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature
Revenue across time period πŸ›ˆ
Spread revenue across accounting periods
Advertised feature

Manage employee expenses

Advertised feature
Receipt scanning πŸ›ˆ
Advertised feature

Provide help desk support

Advertised feature
Support tickets πŸ›ˆ
Visit ConnectWise Manage's integrations page

ConnectWise Manage integrations


Not present
Xero πŸ›ˆ
Integrates with Xero

Integration platform

Advertised feature
Zapier πŸ›ˆ
Integrates with Zapier
Visit ConnectWise Manage's pricing page

ConnectWise Manage pricing overview

ConnectWise does not advertise its pricing for this product. Contact the vendor direct for a quote.

All registered trade marks, company names and brand names used on this website are the property of their respective owners. Information on product features and pricing are taken directly from the vendor's website and marketing materials. Features and prices may change. Please contact us to report any corrections.

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